About Me
Hello there!
I’m UN7X, you can also call me Unix!
I’m excited to turn another year older on March 8, 2024.
Born and raised for 12 years in California, USA, I currently live in Mexico and embrace my Mexican heritage with pride. English was my first language, a skill I picked up while living in the States, but my whole family is Mexican aswell.
Life’s a bit of a rollercoaster for me — I navigate it with ADHD and other mental health challenges. They add some extra energy and unpredictability to my days!
Since November, I’ve been on a journey of self-improvement, including medication and therapy, to manage these aspects of my life.
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(Formal or 'Business' stuff) unix@un7x.net
(Uni-Labs stuff) unix@uni-labs.net
(Personal; For a chat) xinu@un7x.net